Music Workshop in Ljubljana
Tican & Vizinada | Croatia
[June 2024]
Domen Gracej, musician and music producer and singer and composer Matjaz Ferenc (Slovenia) as well as singer Cristina Lubiana (Croatia) became “art angels” in June, 2024, sponsoring the production of new songs created by Anna Prinz. The project is being created through stages and is still a work in progress. Check back soon for more progress updates.
Choir Festival
Choir Performance | Vizinada
[October 2024]
At the invitation of Art Angels Dr. Anna Prinz and Neda Pilato from Vizinada a choir from Gorizia / Nova Goriza participated in a choir festival in Vizinada in October 2024, contributing to new connections between choirs from 3 countries in the region.
“Loiże Bratuš”
Choir Performance by “Loiże Bratuš” | Vizinada
[October 2024]